

Did you know that the Quebec film industry is actually self-sustaining? Yes, audiences in Quebec are actually fervent supporters of arts and culture in their province and they are proud fans of their locally produced television shows, radio programs and movies. I looked this up in Wikipedia to get my facts right and here's what they say:

"The popularity of homegrown French language films among Quebec audiences means that Quebec films are often more successful at the box office than English Canadian films — in most years, in fact, the top-grossing Canadian film of the year is a French language film from Quebec." [fact check!]

Not to mention, musicians in Quebec are thriving (as much as artists really can be). Here is Michel Rivard of the band Beau Dommage, singing a famous song, "Le Phoque en Alaska" (Trying saying "phoque" out loud). Though funding cuts cannot ever mean the death of culture, it does mean that artists will have to struggle harder to eek out a living, and the value of their work can not be quantified.

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