
Hurray! Radio One on the FM Dial!

This week, CBC Radio One arrived at 88.1 on my FM dial. Hurray! Lots of crisp, clear music and discussion about all things Canadian.

On the way home tonight from class, I heard Mia Kirshner from The L Word talk about her new book I Live Here sounds good, and is getting positive critical response, but will suffer from a most unfortunate cover [above]. Had I not heard about this on Q I would have no problem judging it by its cover and deeming it unfit for consumption (Angst! DIY! Avant garde title! Grrr!). But reviews in general say the book is a beauty to look at. Not to mention, it combines autobiography with memoir, graphic novel, collage... they call it a "paper documentary–an intimate journey to humanitarian crises in four corners of the world: war in Chechnya, ethnic cleansing in Burma, globalization in Mexico, and AIDS in Malawi."

So I haven't read it yet but I like that it's breaking the rules.
The official blog can be found here (it's hard to google/find!)

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